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... не получить в консульстве визу - это не самое большое огорчение. Консульства просто избавляют массу людей от ненужных мучений.
Дональд Иг


Post №: 95
Joined: 01.06.05
link post  Posted: 02.01.07 23:41. Post subject: О визах H1B и H2B

Cебе и другим на заметку о визах H1B и H2B

С форума

    Мария2006Аляска; 25.11.2006
    Визы Н1В и Н2В отличаются друг от друга тем, что первая - иммиграционнная виза. Ее может получить человек с в/о имеющий работодателяв США. Далее уже живя в США подаются доки на гринкарту и прочее.
    Вторая виза - Н2В - неимиграционная. Дается неквалифицированным временным рабочим, на 1 год, с правом продления до трех лет.

    Я пробивала информацию по данному виду визы со своим работодателем в США и его юристом.
    Вообщем общая ситуация таковая, что лимит виз на Россию 66 тысяч на финансовый год и лимит не превышен, визы дают. Но - вся работа по оформлению визы ложиться на плечи работодателя. Поверьте, здесь нет места описывать, это очень долго (ок. 6 месяцев процесс оформления только в США) плюс очень дорого (работодатель должен платить в Департамент по труду штата, в службу миграции) и к тому же сложно юридически (доказательство того, что работа является временной и прочее).
    вообщем работодателю чтобы 3-4 рабочих оформлять этот геморой на хрен не нужен.

    Я знаю этим занимаются несколько фирм, у которых налажен поток в курортные отели Флориды.

Поправка о визе H1B
    это не иммиграционная виза, это виза dual intent, то есть по ней необязательно иммигрировать, можно и вернуться...

    Эта виза с правом иммиграции. То есть в посольстве соискатель Н1В визы НЕ ДОЛЖЕН доказывать отсутствие у него иммиграционных намерений.
    Можно конечно и вернуться... А можно вполне легально получить ВНЖ и остаться.

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Post №: 693
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link post  Posted: 24.08.11 09:19. Post subject: H2B виза, в январе 2011 добавлены новые страны, но Россия не в их числе

H2B виза, в январе 2011 добавлены новые страны, но Россия не в их числе

New Countries Eligible to Participate in H-2A and H-2B Programs

Jan. 14, 2011

WASHINGTON— U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in consultation with the Department of State, has identified 53 countries whose nationals are eligible to participate in the H-2A and H-2B programs for the coming year.

The H-2A program allows U.S. employers to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary agricultural jobs; the H-2B program allows U.S. employers to bring foreign nationals to the United States for temporary nonagricultural jobs. USCIS, with limited exception, approves petitions only for nationals of countries designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security as eligible to participate in the H-2A and H-2B programs. A new list of eligible countries publishes in a Federal Register notice on January 18, 2011 , and the designations are valid for one year from the date of publication.

Effective Jan. 18, 2011, nationals from the following countries are eligible to participate in the H-2A and H-2B programs: Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kiribati, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Nauru, The Netherlands, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Samoa, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, South Korea, Tonga, Turkey, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Vanuatu. Of these countries, the following were designated for the first time this year: Barbados, Estonia, Fiji, Hungary, Kiribati, Latvia, Macedonia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

After considering a number of relevant factors under the governing regulations, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State have determined that Indonesia currently does not warrant a renewed designation as a participating country in the H-2A and H-2B programs for 2011.

This new list does not affect the status of individuals who currently hold valid H-2A or H-2B visas or status. A national from a country that is not on the list may be the beneficiary of an approved H-2A and H-2B petition if the Secretary of Homeland Security determines, in her sole and unreviewable discretion, that it is in the U.S. interest for the alien to be a beneficiary of the petition.

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Post №: 250
Joined: 01.06.05
link post  Posted: 06.04.09 02:10. Post subject: О визе Н-2В

Жителям России желающим приехать в США по трудовой визе, Россия в список стран разрешенных к получению визы Н-2В не вошла. Судя по списку ниже из СНГ только украинцы и молдаване имеют право подавать на этот вид визы:

February 10th, 2009 | Category: H-2B, News Alert

The Federal Register has published a rule (73 FR 77729, 12/19/08) pursuant to which nationals of the following countries can apply for H-2B visas:

Costa Rica;
Dominican Republic;
El Salvador;
New Zealand;
South Africa;
South Korea;
United Kingdom.

It should be noted that individuals already holding H-2B visas are not affected by this rule.

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Joined: 01.01.70
link post  Posted: 06.11.06 06:39. Post subject: Всем привет! Не соч..

Всем привет!
Не сочтите за оффтопик, но не удержался выразить благодарность автору этого сайта! Евгения, ваш сайт, пожалуй, самый информативный из всех, что мне удалось выкопать в рунете о жизни в Америке. Очень много полезной и интересной информации. Спасибо и так держать.

Кто-нибудь может сказать, каковы обычно сроки оформления визы H2B (для меня) и H4 (для жены и дочки)?

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Post №: 67
Joined: 01.06.05
link post  Posted: 06.11.06 08:09. Post subject: Re:

Спасибо Дмитрий, пытаюсь стянуть сюда ссылки на все так или иначе полезные ресурсы. Информативных сайтов много, просто не всегда люди пользуются поисковиками чтобы найти нужное.

Так же с ответом на ваш P.S., задала в "сроки оформления визы H2B" и сразу же повыскакивали сайты с ответами - от месяца до четырех. Но это от посредников, причем сайты некоторых из них не обновляются подолгу, а вот реального опыта в сети маловато. Как только людям удается достигнуть чего-либо, у них пропадает желание делиться с другими.


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Joined: 01.01.70
link post  Posted: 15.09.06 19:35. Post subject: Здравствуйте,Евгения..

Если у Вас есть возможность,то ответьте пожалуйста на мой вопрос.Уже длительное
время пытаюсь через интернет найти фирму-посредника,которая бы оказала
помощь в нахождении работы на Аляске.Я с другом,бывшие воннослужащие.Работы
не боимся.Все найденные фирмы требуют большую предоплату ,ничего крнкретно
не обещая.Я знаю несколько конкретных случаев,произошедших с моими знакомыми.
Люди просто лишались денег.
Вам там на месте намного виднее,скажите пожалуйста,насколько вообще реально
получить какую-нибудь работу ,точнее визу H2B,на Аляске.
Может Вам известны работодатели которые бы взялись такую визу оформить.
Заранее Вам благодарен.

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Post №: 49
Joined: 01.06.05
link post  Posted: 15.09.06 20:06. Post subject: >[i]Уже длительн..

>Уже длительное время пытаюсь через интернет найти фирму-посредника,которая бы оказала
>помощь в нахождении работы на Аляске.

Их в сети пруд пруди. Я даю ссылки на странице с советами . Связывайтесь напрямую с работодателями по тем ссылкам. На сотню проб один контакт может быть удачным (я, местная, первую работу получила после 50 резюме разосланных по городу). приведена в числе других на сайте. Ее рекомендовал мой хороший знакомый. Вообще же отзывов ни от кого не слышала, поэтому рекомендовать или отговаривать ни от чего не могу.

>Вам там на месте намного виднее

Виднее, что работу получить очень сложно. Что даже при наличии хорошего языка, уже нескольких лет работы в штатах и отличных рекомендаций приходится долго искать и убеждать работодателя. Также видно по студентам, приезжающим сюда по J1-Work&Travel, что работодатель очень рискует иногда тратя деньги на безответственных лентяев. Поэтому желающих нанимать иностранцев работодателей не так уж много, в основном летом, когда деваться некуда в наплыв туристов народ из России находит работу пока в достатке, но кажется скоро и это изменится. Народу на работу летом приезжает все больше, а работ не прибавляется.

>скажите пожалуйста,насколько вообще реально получить какую-нибудь работу ,точнее визу >H2B,на Аляске.

Об этой визе знаю очень мало. Не думаю, что работ для иностранцев на Аляске больше, чем в континентальной Америке. Оплата здесь не обязательно выше, зато добираться и жить здесь дороже выйдет.

Всегда есть шанс найти искомое, но как его осуществить я понятия не имею. Работодателю нужна конкретика, что человек знает, что умеет делать лучше чем местные ("никакой работы не боюсь" это не специальность и работодатель на это не купится), прежде чем работодатель начнет выкладывать деньги за оформление визы.

>Может Вам известны работодатели которые бы взялись такую визу оформить.

Не известны мне работодатели готовые оформлять визы. Бывают такие, кто готов нанять рукастого и головастого спеца даже иностранца, но визы могут оформить единицы, это долго, муторно, дорого (от 1500 долларов за голову, это в Москве может не деньги, а здесь несколько раз в затылке почешут прежде чем потратить, в Америке отношение к деньгам другое).

И риск всегда есть для обеих сторон. Работодатель рискует обзавестись недотепой, выкинет его на улицу и из страны, но деньги затраченные ведь уже никто не вернет. И работник может на такое напороться, что прежняя жизнь в каком-нибудь в Урюпинске счастьем будет видеться. И посредники могут кинуть, а могут и сами прогореть. Кто не рискует, тот не выигрывает. Поэтому все зависит от человека и его характера. Пробуйте, наводите контакты, шлите письма-резюме. Интересуйтесь мнением о посредниках у их клиентов.

А я увы, ничем больше чем уже выложенными на странице ссылками в данном вопросе помочь не могу.

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Post №: 694
Joined: 01.06.05
link post  Posted: 24.08.11 09:21. Post subject: Вопросы и ответы о визе Н2В от посредника

Вопросы и ответы о визе Н2В от посредника

Thank you for contacting us.

We are job board only. New and existing H-2B holders are welcome to post a resume and search jobs as employer's post them. You can also set up an alert to have our system e-mail you when a job meeting your criteria is posted. If you find a job which interests you, you must contact the employer who posted the job directly. Good luck in your job search.

If you find an employer willing to file an initial or extension H2B and that employer is seeking the assistance of an immigration attorney, please contact immigration attorney Clark Trainor at 800-321-0627 for assistance.

Only individuals from the following countries are currently eligible to participate in the H2B program:

Argentina; Australia; Belize; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Chile; Costa Rica; Croatia; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Ecuador; Ethiopia; Guatemala; Honduras; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Jamaica; Japan; Lithuania; Mexico; Moldova; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Norway; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; South Africa; South Korea; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Uruguay

Individuals from other countries can still participate only if USCIS grants a waiver.

1.What is H2B visa?
2. What is a 'one-time occurrence'?
3. What is a 'seasonal need'?
4. What is a 'peak-load need'?
5. What is an 'intermittent need'?
6. What is the responsibility of the employer in establishing 'temporary need' for H-2B workers?
7. Is an H-2B visa issued only for temporary jobs?
8. What privileges do I enjoy on H2B visas?
9. What are the limitations of H-2B visa?
10. What are the requirements for H-2B visa employer?
11. What are the requirements for H-2B visa holder?
12. How long can I stay in the U.S. on H2B visa?
13. Can I stay longer than a year on H-2B visa?
14. Can I extend my stay on H-2B visa?
15. Can I change status on H-2B?
16. Can I study on H-2B visa?
17. Can I bring my dependents on H-2B visa?
18. Can my dependents work on H-4 visa?
19. Can my dependents study on H-4 visa?
20. Are there any travel restrictions on H-2B visa?
21. What is the processing time for H-2B visa?
22. What is the general procedure to obtain a temporary Labor Certification?
23. What is the validity of temporary Labor Certification?
24. Can H-2B labor certification applications filed by job contractors be certified as temporary jobs?
25. When should the Labor Certification Application for H-2B visa be filed?
26. How will I know when my H-2B visa application is accepted for consideration?
27. How will I know if my H-2B visa application is not considered?
28. Can my employer re-submit the amended application for H-2B visa?
29. Under what circumstances can my H-2B visa application be denied?
30. Where should I submit the H-2B visa application?
31. What if my Labor Certification Application is denied, can I still file with USCIS?
32. Can I apply for a Green Card while on H-2B status?
33. What are the requirements that should be met by the employer of H-2B work visa applicants?

1. What is H2B visa?

The H2B working visa is a nonimmigrant visa which allows foreign nationals to enter into the U.S. temporarily and engage in nonagricultural employment which is seasonal, intermittent, a peak load need, or a one-time occurrence.

Note: This visa is also used for entertainers going on a tour, for film workers or professional minor league players


2. What is a 'one-time occurrence'?

The petitioner must establish that the petitioner has not employed workers to perform the services or labor in the past and the petitioner will not need workers to perform the services in the future, or that it has an employment situation that is otherwise permanent, but a temporary event of short duration has created the need for a temporary occurrence.


3. What is a 'seasonal need'?

The petitioner must establish that the services or labor is traditionally tied to a season of the year by an event or pattern and is of a recurring nature. The petitioner shall specify the period(s) of time during each year in which it does not need the services or labor. The employment is not seasonal if the period during which the services or labor is not needed is unpredictable or subject to change or is considered a vacation period for the petitioner's permanent employees.


4. What is a 'peak-load need'?

The petitioner must establish that it regularly employs permanent workers to perform services or labor at the place of employment and that it needs to supplement its permanent staff at the place of employment on a temporary basis due to a seasonal or short term demand and that the temporary additions to staff will not become a part of the petitioner's regular operation.


5. What is an 'intermittent need'?

The petitioner must establish that it has not employed permanent or full-time workers to perform the services or labor, but occasionally or intermittently needs temporary.


6. What is the responsibility of the employer in establishing 'temporary need' for H-2B workers?

The employer has the burden of establishing that the need for H-2B workers is temporary and is either a one time, seasonal, peak, or intermittent need in his/her application. Documentation might include contracts, lists of projects and timeframes, as well as narrative explanations.

Note: The existence of a single short term contract in an industry such as construction does not, by itself, document temporary need if the nature of the industry is for long term projects which may have many individual contracts for portions of the overall project. The employer must demonstrate its need is temporary, and is either a one time, seasonal, peak load, or intermittent need.


7. Is an H-2B visa issued only for temporary jobs?

The nature of the job itself is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether the employer's need is truly temporary. In some situations, the employer's need may create a temporary job opportunity in an employment situation which may otherwise have been permanent in nature.

Note: A temporary job opportunity could be created because the incumbent (who holds the position of permanent factory foreman) was injured or is otherwise unavailable for a period of less than one year, or additional workers are needed during a busy period. The temporary period must have a clear beginning and end.


8. What privileges do I enjoy on H2B visas?

On H2B visas you may:

• Enter the U.S. for a temporary work and enjoy all employee benefits
• Get your dependents to stay with you in the U.S.
• Travel freely in and out of the U.S. on H-2B visa
• Change jobs if you can show a new job offer


9. What are the limitations of H-2B visa?

The limitations of H-2B visa are:

• The job must be temporary in nature and the need is for one year or less. The employer's need may not be ongoing or continuous
• The employer has the burden of establishing the facts necessary to support a finding that the need is a one-time occurrence, seasonal, peak load or intermittent need
• H-2B time counts whether you are in the U.S. or abroad
• H-2B dependents may not work in the U.S.


10. What are the requirements for H-2B visa employer?

The requirements are:

• An U.S. employer may file an application requesting temporary foreign nonagricultural labor certification
• The employer may be an individual proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation. An association of employers may file as a sole employer, a joint employer with its members, or as an agent of its members
• An authorized agent, whether an individual (e.g., an attorney) or an entity (e.g., an association), may file an application on behalf of an employer. Associations may file master applications on behalf of their members

Note: Many of the benefits that must be included in a job offer and other conditions that must be satisfied will be dependent upon what prevailing practices exist in the same occupation and area. Employers are advised that it is desirable to make an independent determination of factors such as prevailing wages and employer practices before filing an application.


11. What are the requirements for H-2B visa holder?

To qualify for H-2B visa, you must:

• Have a valid job offer from a U.S. employer to perform temporary or seasonal nonagricultural work
• Show proof of an intent to return to your home country on expiration of the visa

Note: H-2B certification is issued to the employer, not the worker, not transferable from one employer to another or from one worker to another. Certification is issued only for a specific job opportunity, for a specific number of workers, and for a specific employment period.


12. How long can I stay in the U.S. on H2B visa?

The H-2B Labor Certification application is valid for the period of employment indicated on the FormETA-9142. However, the validity period may not exceed one year. You may stay for two more years with two one year increments. With initial one year and two one year extensions you can stay for three years on this visa.


13. Can I stay longer than a year on H-2B visa?

The employer's need may generally be only for one year. However, the need, under the 'extraordinary circumstances' provision, may ultimately be longer than one year if the extended need could not be anticipated at the time of application.

Note: An example might be the case of a hurricane that destroyed a large bridge. It will take 11 months to replace the bridge. After the application is approved for this 'one time' occurrence, the employer demonstrates that the work cannot be completed in 11 months based on circumstances which did not exist at the time the employer first petitioned for the foreign national. The work will now take 14 months. The employer would file another application for the three additional months.


14. Can I extend my stay on H-2B visa?

Yes, you may apply for Extension of Stay on H-2B visa. The employer may apply for re-certification for an additional two years with one year extensions, but on each new application, the employer must justify the reason for the H2B extension request.


15. Can I change status on H-2B?

Yes, you may apply for change of status on H-2B visa. If you are changing the job or employer (like H-2B to H-2A), have your new employer file Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker at the USCIS Regional Service Center with jurisdiction over your residence.

Note: H-2B certification is issued to the employer, not the worker, not transferable from one employer to another or from one worker to another. Certification is issued only for a specific job opportunity, for a specific number of workers, and for a specific employment period.


16. Can I study on H-2B visa?

Yes, you may study on H-2B visa. You may take credits at a university when they do not interfere with the primary purpose of your H-2B visa.


17. Can I bring my dependents on H-2B visa?

Yes, you may bring your dependents while on H-2B visa. Your spouse and unmarried children are entitled to an H-4 visa and they may stay as long as you have a valid H-2B.


18. Can my dependents work on H-4 visa?

No, they may not work on H-4 dependent visa. They have to apply for appropriate Work Visa.


19. Can my dependents study on H-4 visa?

Yes, they may study on H-4 visa. They do not have to apply for separate F-1 student visa. They may study on the same dependent H-4 visa.


20. Are there any travel restrictions on H-2B visa?

There are no travel restrictions on H-2B visa. You may travel as many number of times as required before the expiry of your H-2B status. The USCIS also does not impose any time limit on your stay abroad.


21. What is the processing time for H-2B visa?

The employer should file the H-2B petition at least 60 days but not more than 120 days before the worker is needed. As this is a lengthy process, the employer must allow enough processing time for delays and correction of application errors.

Note: DOL's have been instructed to return H-2B certification applications filed more than 120 days before the worker is needed.


22. What is the general procedure to obtain a temporary Labor Certification?

A temporary Labor Certification must be obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor to employ temporary or seasonal workers. Before the USCIS can approve an employer's petition for such workers, the employer must file an application with the Department stating that there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available and that the employment of foreign nationals will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of similarly employed U.S. workers.


23. What is the validity of temporary Labor Certification?

A temporary labor certification is:

• Valid only for the number of foreign nationals, the occupation, the area of employment, the specific activity, the period of time, and the employer specified in the certification
• Limited to one employer's specific job, opportunity; it may not be transferred from one employer to another


24. Can H-2B labor certification applications filed by job contractors be certified as temporary jobs?

In the vast majority of cases, H-2B applications filed by job contractors may not be approved since they are for permanent jobs. The temporary or permanent nature of the work involved in such applications is determined by examining the job contractor's need for the workers, rather than the needs of its customers. When examined from this perspective, the need for the workers involved in applications filed by job shops is almost always a permanent need. A job contractor, that is in the business of supplying the labor needs to one or more customers, has a permanent need for such workers outside the scope of the particular agreement, and should be informed that he/she may wish to consider filing a permanent application.

Note: In order to meet its burden of proof, such a contractor would need to establish that it had not previously employed workers to perform this particular type of service and that there was no possibility that it would do so again after the performance of the particular contract. Under this scenario, a job contractor might be able to qualify for H-2B status based on the work being either a peak load or a one-time occurrence.


25. When should the Labor Certification Application for H-2B visa be filed?

A complete DOL Form ETA-750, Application for Alien Labor Certification, must be filed at least 60 to 120 days before the first date on which H2B workers are needed. If it is accepted or amended within the required time frame and complies with the regulations, the regional administrator will make a certification determination 30 days before the date on which the workers are needed.

Note: In emergency situations the regional administrator may waive the time period specified, provided the regional administrator has an opportunity to obtain sufficient labor market information on an expedited basis on the U.S. worker availability. However, none of the minimum conditions of employment (wages, housing, and other benefits) are waived.


26. How will I know when my H-2B visa application is accepted for consideration?

If your application is accepted for consideration, the regional administrator will notify the employer in writing. The regional administrator's notice of acceptance will:

• Inform the employer and the DOL of specific efforts expected of them regarding recruitment of U.S. workers
• Require that the job order be placed into appropriate intrastate and interstate clearances and
• Require the employer to engage in independent positive recruitment efforts within a multi-state region of traditional or expected labor supply if the regional administrator determines there is a sufficient supply of labor to be recruited.


27. How will I know if my H-2B visa application is not considered?

If your application is not accepted, then the regional administrator will notify the employer in writing within seven days after receipt of the application. The regional administrator's notice of nonacceptance will:

• State why the employer's application is not acceptable
• State changes necessary for the application to be accepted for consideration
• Allow the employer five calendar days to resubmit the application
• Outline procedures employer may use to appeal the RA's nonacceptance


28. Can my employer re-submit the amended application for H-2B visa?

Yes, your employer may resubmit the H-2B visa application with modifications. In such instances, the employer should file the amended application within five days of the regional administrator's notice of non-acceptance. The amended application must be filed with the regional administrator (with a copy to the DOL).


29. Under what circumstances can my H-2B visa application be denied?

An H-2B visa application may be denied when:

• The application did not meet the required time frames (except in emergency situations) and there is not enough time to test the availability of U.S. workers
• Enough able, willing, and qualified eligible U.S. workers are available to fill all the employer's job opportunities
• The employer has not complied with the worker's compensation requirements
• The employer has not satisfactorily complied with positive recruitment requirements
• The employer, since the application was accepted for consideration, has adversely affected the wages, working conditions, or benefits of U.S. workers
• After appropriate notice and opportunity for a hearing, the regional administrator determines that the employer has substantially violated a material term or condition of a previous H-2B certification within the last two years.


30. Where should I submit the H-2B visa application?

If you are:

• In a lawful status in the U.S., submit the visa application to a USCIS field office in the U.S.
• Outside the U.S., submit the visa application to the American Consulate where you reside


31. What if my Labor Certification Application is denied, can I still file with USCIS?

Yes, the DOL decision to grant or deny certification is only advisory to the USCIS.


32. Can I apply for a Green Card while on H-2B status?

Yes, you may apply for Green Card while on H-2B visa. You may attain an immigrant status in the U.S. through the Family Based Immigration. If you have close relatives who are U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents, the relatives may file an immigration petition for you as the beneficiary. Close relatives, as defined by immigration law, include parents, unmarried minor children and spouses.


33. What are the requirements that should be met by the employer of H-2B work visa applicants?

• Recruitment: The employer must have made positive efforts to engage U.S. workers. This means an active effort, including newspaper and radio advertising in areas of expected labor supply. This must be an effort independent of and in addition to the efforts of the DOL. In establishing worker qualifications and/or job specifications, the employer must designate only those qualifications and specifications which are essential to carrying out the job and which are normally required by other employers who do not hire foreign workers

• Wages: The wage or rate of pay must be the same for U.S. workers and H-2B workers. The hourly rate must also be at least as high as the applicable Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR), federal or state minimum wage, or the applicable prevailing hourly wage rate, whichever is higher. The Adverse Effect Wage Rate is established every year by the Department of Labor for every state except Alaska. Employers should consult with the DOL or the Department of Labor regional office to determine what the rate is for their state.

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Post №: 695
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link post  Posted: 24.08.11 09:22. Post subject: H-2B Work Visa and E..

H-2B Work Visa and Extension

The H-2B program was created to allow foreign workers to come to the U.S. on a temporary basis to fill non-agricultural jobs in which U.S. workers are in short supply. As long as the company meets the requirements of the H-2B Program, they can hire foreign workers every year for time periods of up to ten months.

The H-2B Program helps to close the gap in the seasonal or temporary needs for the hospitality, construction or other non-agricultural industries when there is a shortage of introductory laborers in this area. The employers’ pool includes individuals, small businesses, large corporations, and government organizations. Due to the temporary nature of the job it is difficult and often impossible to fill the required temporary positions with workers from the U.S. labor force. Therefore it is an industry-wide practice to bring some temporary help from the international labor markets.

Worksites. H-2B workers are often used by the hospitality, food services, seafood production, construction and landscaping industries to fill seasonal or peak load needs.

Positions. Positions include, but are not limited to: housekeepers, front desk, guest relations, restaurant helpers, food servers, cooks, maintenance, retail sales, landscape workers, seafood processors and many others.

H-2B workers require a visa that allows them to work for one employer on a temporary basis. After their contract period is over, they must return to their home country and reapply the following year if they wish to return or they can apply for an extension.
H-2B Eligible Countries

On December 2008 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a final rule, “Changes to Requirements Affecting H-2B Nonimmigrants,” which gave the Secretary of Homeland Security the power to publish a list of ‘designated’ countries whose residents could be beneficiaries of H-2B visas in the U.S. The initial list, recently published, lists countries that are essential for the H-2B program’s success and have vocalized their cooperation in the repatriation of any of their residents that have received final orders of removal from the U.S.

Under current regulations, only nationals of the countries on this list (or those that have made special arrangements with DHS) may apply for and be approved for H-2B status.

Effective Jan. 18, 2011, nationals from the following countries are eligible to participate in the H-2A and H-2B programs:

Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kiribati, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Nauru, The Netherlands, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Samoa, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, South Korea, Tonga, Turkey, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Vanuatu.

Please note that this notice and the above list will not affect the immigration status of any nonimmigrant’s currently in the U.S. under H-2B status.
Number of H-2B Workers

While there is no limit on the number of H-2B workers that a particular employer may acquire, assuming the number can be justified, there is an annual limit on the number of H-2B visas issued nationwide. This limit is commonly referred to as the H-2B visa cap. That limit is 33,000 for each half fiscal year. Once the limit is reached, no more new visas will be issued until the following half year. However, it is important to note that this visa cap does not apply to H-2B workers currently in the U.S. who wish to change employers and extend their H-2B visa.

Current H-2B visa holders or workers who participated in the H-2B program within the past 3 years are eligible for the H-2B visa extension program.

Workers can freely travel outside the U.S. on H-2B visa.

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Post №: 852
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link post  Posted: 27.01.12 22:32. Post subject: Требования к компаниям ходатайствующим на визу H1B

Требования к компаниям ходатайствующим на визу H1B

Requirements for the H-1B Visa

A. Criteria for Determining Employer's Eligibility To be eligible for sponsoring an H-1B visa, the employer must prove that:

1. The position offered requires knowledge, both theoretical and applied, which is almost exclusively obtained through studies at an institution of higher learning
2. The position requires a specific course of study which relates directly to the position
3. Attainment of a bachelor's or higher degree in the specific activity (or its equivalent) is a minimum requirement for the position Posted Image

B. Criteria for Determining Employee's Eligibility To be eligible for an H-1B visa, you must demonstrate that you have:

1. Full state licensure to practice in the occupation, if such licensure is required to practice in the occupation
2. Completed the degree required for the occupation or possess experience in the specialty equivalent to the completion of such degree
3. Recognition of expertise in the specialty through progressively responsible positions relating to the specialty

C. Positions Generally Considered Professional Accountant, Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Computer Programmer, Dietitian, Electronics Specialist, Fashion Designer, General Manager (where business is complex), Graphic Designer, Hotel Management, Industrial Designer (with B.A.), Interior Designer (commercial), Journalist, Librarian, Medical Records Librarian, Medical Technologist, Minister, Orthopedist, Pharmacist, Social Worker, Technical Publications Writer and Vocational Counselor.

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